Khloe Kardashian manda indireta para o ex, Lamar Odom

A irmã de Kim Kardashian escreveu um desabafo sobre o ex-jogador de basquete, Lamar Odom

CARAS Digital Publicado em 12/04/2016, às 09h34

Khloe Kardashian e Lamar Odom - Reprodução/ Instagram

Khloe Kardashian usou as redes sociais para fazer um desabafo sobre sua vida pessoal.

+Khloe Kardashian anuncia concurso para levar jovem a baile de formatura

"Não importa o quanto leal você seja a uma pessoa. Você não consegue mudar o coração de alguém e alguns hábitos ruins se eles não quiserem isso", dizia a foto.

A irmã de Kim Kardashian também escreveu: "Deixar ir não significa não se importar com alguém mais. É perceber que a única pessoa que você tem controle é você mesma. Deixar ir com amor requer muita coragem. Temos que aprender a parar de pegar os problemas dos outros como se fossem nossos. Amar as pessoas não significa que temos que cuidar de suas dificiuldades e colocar seus problemas nas nossas costas".

No final da mensagem, Khloe ainda afirmou que não podemos colocar a nossa felicidade em alguém, como família, amigos e parceiros. "Uma menina um dia me disse...tome cuidado quando tentar concertar uma pessoa 'quebrada'. Você pode se cortar com as peças quebradas".

Fontes próximas garantiram à revista 'People' que a publicação foi uma indireta ao ex-jogador de basquete, Lamar Odom. Apesar de já estar recuperado, ele teve uma overdose de drogas e remédios depois de ser encontrardo desacordado em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos.


"Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself." Letting go with love takes great strength. We have to learn to stop taking on peoples problems as if they are our own. Loving people does not mean we have to carry their burdens and confusions on our back. Sadly, You can only express your opinion on a situation. You can't want their life more than they do. This is in fact their life to figure out on their own and in their own time. I do believe in timing. I do believe timing is everything. You forcing your beliefs and dreams down ones throat is only going to cause resentment and possibly manifest deeper issues. Possibly to the point of no return. "People say time heals all wounds... I say time heals wounds but scars are left to remind you what you have been through and what you survived." Stop shattering your own heart by trying to make a relationship (friend, family, partner) work that clearly isn’t meant to work. We have to stop trying to repaint people's colors. We have to learn to believe the love we AREN'T given. You can't love someone into loving you. (God I wish it were that easy) You can’t force someone to be loyal, kind, understanding. You can’t force someone to be the person you need them to be. Even if it's for their own good!! Sometimes the person you want most is the person you’re best without. ???????? You have to understand... some things ARE supposed to happen in your life, but they just are NOT meant to be. Damn... It took me so many years to understand that. Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what’s meant to stay broken. God always has a plan even if we can't understand it (or don't want to understand it) Even in the darkest of places... Our Lord sees His vision. We might not understand it at the moment but I promise you, your future will always bring understanding and clarity of why things didn’t work out. Don’t put your happiness on hold for someone (family, friend, partner) who isn’t holding on to you. "A Girl once told me… Be careful when trying to fix a broken person. For you may cut yourself on their shattered pieces."

Uma foto publicada por Khloé (@khloekardashian) em

TV khloe Kardashian [46387] Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom Lamar Odom [19053]

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